
Data Insights from 50 Providers

This year we’ve spoken to over 30 aged care providers in anticipation of the release of our automated executive and board reports on feedback and complaints across an organisation.

We learned more than one would imagine and discovered some interesting trends on

1. How consumers report feedback and complaints

2. Are they Quality Standard Aligned

3. What types of forms are being used  

But why keep this all to ourselves? Instead, we want to share it with you and we are currently working across 50 providers websites and digital touchpoints recording feedback system, form types, clicks to success and much more.

Ps. We will not be naming the providers but contact me if you would like a free review of your organisations feedback and complaints processes and systems!

Download the Provider insights on feedback online

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Last year July 2019, Compliance to the Quality standards become mandatory for all organisations providing subsidised Aged Care in Australia. Providers now have to provide evidence of compliance and performance.

A standardised framework is a welcomed change in the industry because it creates clear expectations for the providers and is built on the foundation of person-centered care…Standard 1 – Consumer Dignity and Choice.

Feedback and complaints is an opportunity for consumers to be heard in a meaningful way. The ability to provide feedback simply encourages more of it. Organisations can create a clear channel of communication that empowers the consumer and the organisation to make informed decisions, simply.

Direct consumer feedback provides insights at both the site and staff level empowering organisations to train, invest, and make informed changes. You can also track continuous improvements at the staff, site and organisational level.

This is why we started gathering data on 50 providers in Australia to see how easy it is to provide feedback directly on their websites.

The beauty of providing feedback directly rather than through a third party rating site is that there are no ulterior PR motives or vendettas in the public sphere.

Would you rather read feedback in your management software or hear about it in the media?

Below are three insights we’ve found in our data gathering so far.

INSIGHT #1 – 34% of the Providers don’t have a feedback form on their website – 17 out  of 50

We were amazed to find that of the 17 providers that don’t have a form on their site, 13 providers don’t even mention feedback and complaints. Four providers had a dedicated page for Feedback but don’t provide the opportunity to submit digitally. 

This way you are positioning yourself as a helpful guide to stakeholders and clearly expressing you value what they say.

Don’t waste the opportunity to receive feedback through your website.

Mint Product feature: Mint has an embedded web form that feeds directly into Mint’s feedback and complaints management software making capture and management of feedback simple.

We want the process of providing valuable feedback and complaints to be as simple as possible for consumers and streamilined for providers. What better information could you collect other than the stakeholders your serving?

INSIGHT #2 – Of the 33 forms, only 23 forms were aligned to the new Quality Standards.


Not all forms are created equal. 30% of the forms are too generic to follow up, document and address in a meaningful way by management. This most commonly happens when providers combine a generic inquiry form with a feedback component. The best case is for the forms to be separated out onto different pages or sections of your site. An indication of timeframes and the follow-up process, once the feedback is submitted, is favourable for consumers, friends, and family. Helpful links to government sites, advocacy groups, and resources on providing feedback and the quality of care is also a requirement of compliance. 

If you take this approach online,  you are

  1. positioning yourself as a helpful guide to stakeholders
  2. clearly expressing you value what they say 
  3. Compliant with Quality Standards. 

INSIGHT #5 – Management spends 2 Days per month per site on reporting feedback and complaints. 

With an extra one to two days per month per site, where would you reallocate this time? 

Mint Product feature: Automated reporting on feedback and complaints will help free up the manager’s time to reinvest into other areas within the organisation. Our dashboard reporting helps track your continuous improvement.

Download the Provider insights on feedback online

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Mint allows providers to move away from the common paper and localised spreadsheet. Mint allows providers to move towards the quality standard requirements of open disclosure, transparency, feedback, and complaints. Consumers and family members can now submit feedback directly to management in a secure, closed-loop network with images and documents. 

To find our more about our solution developed with Providers, schedule a demonstation and initial conversation.

Will this work in your organisation? Yes.

We have developed a streamlined deployment and workflow plan to ensure a simple rollout. Our team will spend 2 days onsite training and rolling out the Feedback Management System. We’ve also developed simple reference guides to help you through the process.

Are you just starting the digital transformation process? No problem. Mint can work with you in any phase of digital transformation and our Feedback Management System can integrate with Clinical, Risk Management and Scheduling systems. Ask us about this process.

Can Mint App integrate with clinical, risk management, and scheduling software? Yes. All we need is an API from the software provider.